European Conference on Copper in Plant Protection 2019
We would like to invite farmers and growers, scientists, regulators, agricultural advisers and other people working with or on copper in a context of plant protection to contribute to the conference programme. Contributions will be presented in English.
In 2018, the approval of the natural substance copper as an active substance in plant protection products in the EU was renewed for a period of seven years. Due to concerns for potential negative effects of copper fungicides on soil and water organisms, the EU authorities reduced the maximum applicable dose for copper from 6 kg to 4 kg per hectare per year. While copper with its unique properties remains essential for organic and integrated farmers to combat fungal diseases, the negative aspects of copper require ambitious efforts to minimise copper use.
In most arable crops, farmers can regulate diseases and pests with clever crop rotation systems. Growing permanent crops like apples, wine or hops without relying on synthetic pesticides present a bigger challenge. Coherent strategies including the enhancement of functional biodiversity, selection of robust varieties and the application of natural substances against pests and diseases can keep plants healthy.
To share and discuss innovative ways to keep plants healthy in organic and integrated plant protection systems, and to identify research and farm management options to further reduce the use of copper, IFOAM EU-Group, BÖLW and Julius Kühn-Institut invite you to take part at the European Conference on Copper in Plant Protection!
This year on the morning of November 14th there will be a Pre-Event, looking at the future development of plant health strategies beyond copper in organic farming.
For more information and registration visit
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries. We are looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!