The organic sector shows concrete agro-ecological solutions for agriculture and food systems of the future and is well placed to deliver on Europe’s priorities for jobs, growth and investment. Since the 1980s, European and German policies have begun to recognize organics’ unique contribution to sustainable development. This recognition is backed by strong consumer demand for high quality organic food – with the EU organic market valued at 24.3 billion euro in 2013. However, despite this dynamic development and political recognition amongst policymaker’s significant gaps continue to exist between supply and demand across the European Union. For instance countries such as Germany, Austria and Denmark see strong market growth, but are often dependent on imports to meet demand with growth in the total organic farmland area stagnating in recent years. On the other hand countries like Poland or Bulgaria are exporting large quantities of organic produce and have limited domestic market development. This reflects the importance of effective policy signals and reliable data at EU and Member State level in creating a more positive environment for stakeholders to further grow organic production and market development. The Seminar will give a short overview about how the European Union promotes Organic agriculture and how the member states use this possibilities. Based on concrete examples we will show the challenges and which steps must taken to create a more coherent political frame, to bring together inquiry and offer on the market and in which direction the organic sector can develop.
The participants will give a short overview about how organic agriculture is support by the common agriculture politic of the European Union and how the member states use these possibilities. On the basis of concrete examples the participant’s will show, were the challenges are and which steps must be taken to create a coherent politic framework, to boost organic agriculture in Europe.
Please for more information see the full agenda of the event
This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.