
Wrapping up four years of interregional cooperation on Organic Action Plans
2 December 2019 – Brussels, Belgium The final event of the SME Organics project gathered regional partners from all over Europe in…

Organic processors meet at IGOP meeting & IGOP annual general meeting
2 December was an exciting day for the Interest Group of Organic Processors (IGOP). After a morning meeting about the…

Join us at the Climate Conference COP25 | Time for Action
The 25th UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) started 03 December in Madrid and will run until 13 December. As every year, IFOAM…

The Future of Organic Farming & the Common Agricultural Policy post-2020
Join our high level political event with representatives of the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture, the Finnish Environmental Ministry as well…

Strong IFOAM EU representation at the European action days for Good food Good farming
22 October 2019 Strasbourg, France On October 22, IFOAM EU demanded good food and good farming at the European days…

Ten take-aways following the European Organic Congress 2019
Innovation and technology – How organic improves, inspires & delivers Representatives of the Commission, conventional agriculture, civil society and organic…

PRESS RELEASE: The organic movement calls for a more ambitious CAP reform
BRUSSELS, 2 APRIL 2019 – The organic movement regrets the limited ambition of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee on the…

Post-Conference highlights from COP24
The 24th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Katowice,…