
Welcome note December 2021 newsletter
Dear readers, 2021 has been another turbulent year, again with great successes and challenges. Just like last year, I would…

Political hotspot December 2021 newsletter
On 23 November, the European Parliament approved the new CAP (2023-2027) Regulations. Now, Member States’ CAP Strategic Plans will be…

Review of events
On November 16, IFOAM Organics Europe and French Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Eric Andrieu (S&D) co-hosted a webinar…

Organic regulations
EU Organic Regulation guide – Beta version online for members!
As most of you are very much aware of, the new EU Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 will be applied in…

Organic regulations
New Implementing Regulation of the new EU Organic Regulation published
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2119 related to the new EU Organic Regulation has just published, a few weeks before its…

Read our new leaflet on plant health care in organic farming
Have you ever heard of all the preventive plant protection measures implemented by organic farmers to produce food without using…

IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business: Bridging business and EU policies, 7 December, online
On 7 December 2021, players from the whole (organic) supply chain – including processors, traders, retailers, and certifiers – joined the…

Organic regulations
Organic movement defines integrity of organic supply chain
The new EU Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 puts integrity of the organic supply chain at its core principles. However, there…

Alternatives for contentious inputs: Research well on track, 30 November 2021-1 December 2021
On 30 November and 1 December, the Organic Innovation Days 2021 entitled “Better inputs for organic agriculture” took place online. In 2021,TP Organics’ annual public event,…

Plant health care
Sign by 3 December to stop toxic alliance between FAO and CropLife International
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently signed a letter of intent to formalize a partnership…

Organic calls for environmentally ambitious CAP SPs - The Parliament approved disappointing new CAP Regulation
Organic reclaims environmentally ambitious CAP SPs – The Parliament approved disappointing new CAP Regulation On 23 November 2021, the European…

Parliament approves disappointing new CAP - Organic needs environmentally ambitious national CAP Strategic Plans
BRUSSELS, 23 November 2021 – Today, the European Parliament’s Plenary adopted the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) (2023-2027) Regulation with…

6th European Conference on copper in Plant Protection, 17-18 November 2021, online
2021 was an extremely rainy year, posing challenges for copper minimization on farms with permanent and specialty crops. As it…

Organic’s approach to plant health: Webinar with MEP Eric Andrieu - 16 November 2021, online
On November 16, IFOAM Organics Europe and French Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Eric Andrieu (S&D) co-hosted a webinar…

Organic movement warns of insufficient ambition in CAP Strategic Plans
BRUSSELS, 18 November 2021 – Today, the organic food and farming movement published an evaluation of measures and budgets to support organic agriculture in Members States’ draft CAP Strategic Plans (CAP SPs). The analysis, based on organic farmers associations’ feedback…

Knowledge for organic
Using blockchain technology in organic
Ever wondered how blockchain technology can be used by the organic sector? Check out the highlights of the innovation experiment…

Mainstreaming organic plant breeding – celebrating 20 years of organic plant breeders
‘How to make organic plant breeding mainstream’ – was the guiding question of the 20th anniversary event of the organic…

Last chance to register for the event on research and innovation for organic! 30 November-1 December, online
These are the last weeks to register for the Organic Innovation Days 2021, the only EU event on research &…

Join our webinar on the organic approach to plant health on 16 November, online
IFOAM Organics Europe and Member of the European Parliament Eric Andrieu (S&D group) are glad to invite you to their…

Welcome note October 2021 newsletter
Dear readers, Autumn has reached Europe, and unlike nature at this time of year, our work is not slowing down.…

Review of events
On 22 September, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) organised a workshop to discuss the potential role of public policies in…

Preview of events
On 16 November, from 10:30-12:00, MEP Eric Andrieu (S&D) will co-host our website on the organic approach to plant health…

Organic regulations
Looking for a guide to run you through the new EU Organic Regulation? We’ve got you covered!
New Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 will apply from 1 January 2022. The basic regulation published in June 2018 will be…

Save the date: Webinar on organic approach to plant health 16 November, online
On 16 November, from 10:30-12:00, MEP Eric Andrieu (S&D) will co-host our webinar on the organic approach to plant health…

Save the Date & Register now for the Organic Innovation Days 2021
Register now to attend this year’s Organic Innovation Days and discuss Better inputs for organic farming. TP Organics’ annual public…

Register now for IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business on 7 December, online – The event for companies involved & interested in organic
Register now for the upcoming 4th edition of IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business, taking place virtually on 7 December. This…

Registration open: 6th European Conference on Copper in Plant Protection17-18 November 2021, online
Registration for the 6th European Conference on Copper in Plant Protection is now open! Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW), IFOAM Organics…

Knowledge for organic
Intercropping for boosting organic farming in EU – ReMIX policy brief
The European Green Deal addresses the challenges of a fair sustainable food system. To realise the EU Green Deal, the…

Knowledge for organic
Take part in EIP-AGRI workshop on farm data!
Are you a farmer, an adviser, an Operational Group member, or a tech company using farm data solutions? Applications are…

Knowledge for organic
The role of Demo Farms in Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems: a workshop for policy makers
The family of FarmDemo projects – NEFERTITI, PLAID and AGRIDEMO – organised a workshop to raise awareness among local and…

Knowledge for organic
Copenhagen Food System Centre’s work supporting organic development - Interview with Line Rise Nielsen
Our colleagues, Joanna Wierzbicka, Strategic Initiatives Manager, and Bérénice Cau, Project and Fundraising Assistant, met with Line Rise Nielsen, Food…

Knowledge for organic
Enlarge your organic farm knowledge through videos
A versatile collection of video content from the Organic Farm Knowledge Platform is now available on its own YouTube channel,…

Knowledge for organic
LIVESEED and OK-Net EcoFeed highlighted to be EU-funded research projects demonstrating potential of more sustainable alternatives
The EU Green Deal and its related Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies identified agroecology and organic farming as one…

Our Director speaks on biodistricts at ‘Added Value of the Organic Farmer, Bioregions’ conference 12-14 October 2021, online & in the Netherlands
On 12-14 October, the Conference ‘Added Value of the Organic Farmer, Bioregions’ discussed the broader benefits of organic farming and…

Watch RELACS’ new video about copper replacement in oil rose plantation
A new RELACS video explores the work and research currently pursued in the Rose Valley in Bulgaria. Organic farmers are…

Over 1 million signatures demanding a restoration of biodiversity & support for farmers
Across Europe, more than 1 million citizens are calling for a reduction of 80% in the use of synthetic pesticides…

Plant health care
MEPs in COMAGRI made a first step to improve statistics on organic agriculture
On 12 October, the Members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) adopted their report on…

The future of organic food: Ten take-aways of the Organic Food Conference 2021
Our Organic Food Conference 2021 was a success, and we are happy to share the ten key take-aways. The European…

Knowledge for organic
LIVESEED project comes to an end after 52 months
The LIVESEED project came to an end on 30 September 2021, after 52 months of activities. Started in June 2017,…

Organic regulations
New EU Organic Regulation applies 1 January 2022: Guide to help operators coming soon
New Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 will apply from 1 January 2022. The basic regulation published in June 2018 will be…

Welcome note September 2021 newsletter
Dear readers, I would like to welcome you back to our first newsletter after the summer break. I hope you…

Political hotspot September 2021 newsletter
As the final vote on the deal is looming, and Member States are preparing their CAP national Strategic Plans, the…

Knowledge for organic
Digital Excellence in Agriculture Contest: Organic Farm Knowledge platform awarded first prize in Category 2!
The online platform Organic Farm Knowledge was awarded the first prize of the ‘Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and…

Last Commission consultation before presentation revised Sustainable Use of pesticides Directive
On 5 October, Mathilde Calmels, IFOAM Organics Europe’s Policy Coordinator on Pesticides, Natural Inputs and Fertilisers, will be one of…

Organic regulations
Feedback to public consultation on the Revision of the EU legislation on Animal Welfare
During the summer, the European Commission launched an Inception impact assessment (roadmap) on the revision of EU legislation on animal…

Upcoming vote on the Regulation on Statistics on Agricultural Inputs and Outputs (SAIO) in AGRI Committee
On 2 February 2021, the Commission published its proposal for a Regulation on Statistics on Agricultural Inputs and Outputs (SAIO),…

Save the date & contribute: 6th European Conference on Copper in Plant Protection, 17-18 November 2021, online
Recent severe weather events and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report make it clear: agriculture will have to…

Key points CAP2023-2027 reform and focus CAP National Plans
The Trialogue negotiations between the European Parliament (EP), European Commission (EC) and European Council (EP) came to an end late…

Knowledge for organic
Emerging eco-friendly solutions to plant & animal protection inputs - RELACS scientific publications
The RELACS project recently released two new scientific papers on promising plant and animal protection methods and strategies for reducing…

How are cities engaging with food system transformation? FoodSHIFT webinar, 13 September, 15:00-16:00
City councils – either led by the city government itself or by citizens – are key to involve citizens and…