
Wrapping up four years of interregional cooperation on Organic Action Plans
2 December 2019 – Brussels, Belgium The final event of the SME Organics project gathered regional partners from all over Europe in…

Organic processors meet at IGOP meeting & IGOP annual general meeting
2 December was an exciting day for the Interest Group of Organic Processors (IGOP). After a morning meeting about the…

Join us at the Climate Conference COP25 | Time for Action
The 25th UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) started 03 December in Madrid and will run until 13 December. As every year, IFOAM…

Developing Organic: Join our ‘Pesticide use and contamination’ project
Dear IFOAM EU members, Today we’re launching a call to join our first ‘Developing Organic’ project on Pesticide use and contamination:…

The Future of Organic Farming & the Common Agricultural Policy post-2020
Join our high level political event with representatives of the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture, the Finnish Environmental Ministry as well…

Ten take-aways following the European Organic Congress 2019
Innovation and technology – How organic improves, inspires & delivers Representatives of the Commission, conventional agriculture, civil society and organic…

Fairness & transparency
PRESS RELEASE - Taxation can be a tool towards true cost accounting according to new study
BOLZANO, ITALY, 10 APRIL 2019 – Conventional potato cultivation in Germany costs €1298/hectare in ground water pollution alone. For organic…

Post-Conference highlights from COP24
The 24th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Katowice,…