
Political Hotspot December 2024
On December 1st, the new College of Commissioners started its work under current (and former) European Commission President Ursula von…

Upcoming member-only webinars: Funding & promotion opportunities for organic
In 2025, we restart our regular member-exclusive sessions “Let’s Discuss Organic”. These online live events help our members gain an…

Plant health care
50% pesticide reduction - Mission accomplished or time for a reliable indicator?
30 September 2024, online In a well-attended webinar GLOBAL2000 and IFOAM Organics Europe presented an alternative to the much-contested pesticides…

100% organic school meals program in Dordogne
27-29 November, France France’s Dordogne department hosted a delegation of some 25 people from several European countries for two days…

New study confirms the leading role of organic farming in contributing to agriculture’s climate objectives
BRUSSELS, 25 NOVEMBER – According to a new analysis of the expected contribution of CAP Strategic Plans to greenhouse gas…

Brussels bubbles with activities on post-2027 CAP
From the European Commission – Work and discussions on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2027 are…

IFOAM Organics Europe at Mission Soil Week
IFOAM Organics Europe and TP Organics participated in the Mission Soil Week “Leading the transition to heathy soils” 12-13 November…

Seeking stakeholders to strengthen soil health in Europe
The SOILL Startup project is inviting stakeholders to join its community and contribute to healthy soils in Europe. If you…

Soil Monitoring Law moving forward
The Council and the European Parliament have entered trilogues on the Soil Monitoring Law in October 2024. The first EU…

Shaping EU agrifood's future: Organic’s vision for the future CAP
Transforming to sustainable agrifood systems requires a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) fit for the future with solutions that work for…

Fairness & transparency
EU Agri-food Chain Observatory meets: Lack of agrifood data
On 15 October, the EU Agri-food Chain Observatory met for the second time in Brussels and online. Launched this summer,…

How can EU agriculture contribute to climate neutrality?
On 28 October IFOAM Organics Europe hosted ClieNFarms’ second public policy workshop How can the EU agricultural sector contribute to…

To sustainable and healthy school meals: SchoolFood4Change
On 8-11 October, enthusiastic and inspired changemakers worked to make school meals healthier and better at the third partner meeting…

50% pesticide reduction - Mission accomplished or time for a reliable indicator?
In a well-attended webinar GLOBAL2000 and IFOAM Organics Europe presented an alternative to the much-contested pesticides measurement tool, the Harmonized…

IFOAM Organics Europe and European Citizens' Initiative condemn "fake pesticide reduction"
Methodologies are a political choice: Harmonised Risk-Indicator (HRI-1) misleads EU citizens and harms organic agriculture BRUSSELS/VIENNA, 30 SEPTEMBER 2024 –…

EU Organic Awards recognise excellence, as Court report stresses need for long-term vision for organic & stronger CAP
BRUSSELS, 23 SEPTEMBER 2024 – Today, on EU Organic Day, Europe celebrates its organic sector and operators. Locally and nationally,…

September 2024 newsletter - embracing productive months ahead
We just published our post-summer newsletter edition. Wondering what’s in it for you? Here are a few highlights you might…

Political hotspot September 2024
In June 2024, EU citizens elected a new European Parliament, which confirmed Ursula von der Leyen as European Commission President…

Welcome Note September 2024
Welcome to our post-summer newsletter. As summer turns into autumn, we embrace the productive months ahead and use this newsletter…

Future CAP needs reform to deliver on the future of food and farming
Representing almost a third of the EU’s budget, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is crucial to shape the EU’s common…

Organic living labs develop and test food security & resilience scenarios
Helping to create and support “living labs” (LLs) is an important strategy within EU research and innovation to promote the…

Plant health care
Task force on biocontrol starts its work
IFOAM Organics Europe’s new Task Force on Biocontrol will take up its work in September. The group will discuss this…

Building the future of EU agrifood – Encouraging high-level statements at congress’ first day
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, 10 SEPTEMBER 2024 – Following the Strategic Dialogue for the future of EU agriculture’s recommendations, many agrifood stakeholders,…

European food industry loud and clear about rigorous labelling of new genomic techniques (NGTs)
376 food businesses from 16 Member States, signed Food Industry for Freedom of Choice, a letter calling for rigorous labelling…

Shaping agrifood’s future: Future CAP should empower farmers and ensure agroecological transition
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, 10 SEPTEMBER 2024 – Following last week’s recommendations of the strategic dialogue on the future of EU agriculture,…

Food policy
Does organic still have a ring-fenced budget in the EU promotion policy?
The short answer: yes, even though it has been reduced, for SIMPLE projects. No MULTI projects will be funded in…

The EU has continent-wide Nature Restoration Law
Today, the Nature Restoration Law entered into force. The law’s objective is the long-term recovery of nature in the EU’s…

Driving organic growth? OrganicTargets4EU analysis of CAP Strategic Plans
The OrganicTargets4EU project analysed current organic agricultural and aquaculture policies, revealing increased support for organic agriculture following legislative initiatives by…

Civil society is taking the CAP by storm: What happened, what's next and how to get involved?
The Good Food Good Farming campaign mobilised ahead of the European elections, organising a stunt under the motto We can’t eat…

EU Organic Regulation updates: FAQ on organic rules & second list of compliant control bodies
The Commission has updated its Frequently asked questions on organic rules with new topics. It now also clarifies questions on:…

Challenges and opportunities facing organic & how policies can be part of the solution
Ahead of the EU elections, our Director, Eduardo Cuoco was interviewed about the current challenges organic faces. In two pieces…

Welcome back, Ms von der Leyen. EU organic looks forward to continue transforming our rural areas & food systems
BRUSSELS, 18 JULY 2024 – The European organic movement congratulates Ursula von der Leyen on her re-election as President of…

Working together to enable farmers as agile entrepreneurs – European Biostimulants’ summit
IFOAM Organics Europe’s Director Eduardo Cuoco spoke at a session Supporting farmers in times of turbulence at the European Biostimulants…

CDG meeting on organic farming: Agroforestry, plant protection & compliance
Organic stakeholders exchanged with the Commission on synergies between agroforestry and organic, plant protection products and the regulatory switch from…

Positive steps for EU’s resilience in Council decisions on nature restoration, soil monitoring law & green claims
On 17 June, European legislation on soil, nature, and environmental labelling took a few steps forward as the Council of…

Read our June newsletter! Here's what you can expect.
We just published our latest newsletter, the last one before the European elections and the summer break. Wondering what’s in…

Political Hotspot June 2024
Ongoing farmers’ protests highlight the need to address concerns about unfair pricing and competition in European agriculture. The objectives laid…

Open webinar on biodiversity management in organic greenhouses
We are organising a series of free and open webinars relevant to organic farming as part of our involvement in…

NGOs call for climate action & fair agrifood systems – 31 May; 1 June & throughout October
On 31 May, the NGOs who are part of the Good Food Good Farming coalition gathered in Brussels for its…

Plant health care
Policies should promote uptake of biocontrol
The European organic movement and international biocontrol manufacturers call on the European Commission to ensure faster registration and uptake of…

CAP “simplification”: Missed opportunity fails to answer farmers’ demands
Following farmers’ protests, the European Commission proposed a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform which has now been approved in votes…

Food policy
Civil Dialogue Groups (CDG) meetings: Report on wine, 14 May
IFOAM Organics Europe’s office staff, our members and experts regularly advise and discuss policy options with the Commission and other…

Technical workshops future CAP – From food security to solidarity & rural areas
On 16-17 May 2024 the European Commission organised the last technical workshop for Solidarity and Rural Communities in the next…

Fairness & transparency
Commission's proposed measures on unfair trading practices
In April 2024, the European Commission unveiled its non-paper Position of farmers in the food supply chain: next steps. In…

Organic movement meets Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
On 26 April, IFOAM Organics Europe met with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for a discussion on the…

Plant health care
IBMA and IFOAM Organics Europe call for policies to promote the uptake of biocontrol
IFOAM Organics Europe and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA) call for policies to promote the uptake of safe, environmentally…

Soil health and global food security – Organic & biocontrol’s contribution
On 25 April 2024, high-level experts and policymakers deliberated the different areas regarding biocontrol, organic soil health and research and…

Vote on CAP simplification, a missed opportunity for farmers & citizens
BRUSSELS, 24 APRIL 2024 – Today’s vote in the European Parliament simplifying certain Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) rules will not…

New members-only sessions: (mis)use of regenerative & positioning organic to various political audiences
We are thrilled to announce new sessions in our member-exclusive webinar series ‘Let’s Discuss Organic’. On 26 April we will…

Food policy
How school canteens can support a healthy, just, and sustainable European food system
On 12 March, three inspiring speakers showed how school canteens can change and integrate sustainability criteria –in urban, rural and…