
Digital Excellence in Agriculture Contest: Organic Farm Knowledge platform awarded first prize in Category 2!


The online platform Organic Farm Knowledge was awarded the first prize of the ‘Digital Excellence in Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia – Regional Contest’ in Category 2, ‘Capacity development and empowerment’!

The contest, organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Office for Europe and Central Asia and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Offices for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States with almost 200 applicants from 38 countries, identified Organic Farm Knowledge as one of 28 impactful, sustainable, scalable and innovative practices using a combination of multiple technologies, enabling the digital transition of Europe and Central Asia’s agricultural sectors. The short-runners, winners and champion practices were announced during the virtual awards ceremony on 23 September 2021, in the framework of the ITU Regional Innovation Forum for Europe 2021.

As one of 7 winners, Organic Farm Knowledge was awarded the first prize in Category 2, ‘Capacity development and empowerment’, as an initiative and solution widening the  reach  of  rural  communities,  improving  access  to  and  knowledge  of  good  agricultural  practices, stimulating relevant digital literacy and skills, and creating new business opportunities. The online platform providing practical knowledge and tools for (future) organic farmers and advisors was set up and is being developed further by IFOAM Organics Europe together with the core partners Research Institute of Organic Agriculture – FiBL and International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, ICROFS, as well as with other key actors in the organic sector (see below).

We are proud of this achievement and hope the recognition at international level will support the awareness and uptake of the platform by a larger public.

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Organic Farm Knowledge is a product of OK-Net Arable and OK-Net EcoFeed. These projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 652654 and No. 773911 respectively. The information contained within this platform only reflects the author’s view. The Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided.

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