
Now online: Website of BIOFRUITNET project

The new BIOFRUITNET project’s website is live! For three years, 15 partners will collaborate and provide practical information to farmers on tackling pests and diseases in fruit crops.

Outputs of the project will be featured on its new website www.biofruitnet.eu. These outputs are publications and practice abstract – short fact sheets providing practical information aimed at farmers and advisors. These will also be available on Organic Farm Knowledge, the online platform for organic farmers and advisors.

In the course of the project, videos and podcasts will be released, bringing practical information in an easy-to-digest manner.

Make sure to visit the website and keep track of the progress of the project.

IFOAM EU is a proud partner of the BIOFRUITNET project. We lead knowledge transfer and dissemination through easy-to-read end user materials, such as practice abstracts, to provide practical solutions to organic fruit farmers. We will also develop a communication kit to maximise BIOFRUITNET’s impact at events, fairs, and congresses.

The project BIOFRUITNET is coordinated by the international organic farmers’ association Naturland and carried out in collaboration with 15 partner organisations representing 12 countries in total. They will work together for three years to provide information to the farmers in a practical way to tackle the challenges of pests and diseases in fruit crops. The Research Centre of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) is one of the project partners

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862850.

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