
Preview of events

Entrepreneurship in the organic seeds and breeding sector

Are you an organic farmers or SME managers who is involved in:

  • The production and/or marketing of organic seeds and seedlings,
  • The development of organic breeding?

Join the webinar “Entrepreneurship in the organic seeds and breeding sector”. Register now if you are interested to join us on 1314 December 2023, between 9h30-13h00 CET.

This webinar targets existing initiatives wishing to improve their strategy and those wanting to become entrepreneurs in organic seed and plant breeding. This first session will set the stage and following webinars will address specific elements in more detail. Read the full programme on the LiveSeeding website.

The webinar will contribute to initiatives working on different crop types, in particular arable crops, and vegetables. At variety level, it will pay special attention to organic heterogenous material (OHM), open-pollinated and local/traditional varieties, as well as participatory plant breeding.

The webinar is organised in context of the LiveSeeding project and will be held in English. Interpretation in a European language will be available – determined according to the possibilities and needs of a larger number of registered participants.

Can you not make it to the webinar? Recordings will be available on LiveSeeding’s LinkedIn, X and Facebook. Subtitles will be enabled in different languages and all participlants will receive  translated into their language.

LiveSeeding is a 4-year Innovation Action on organic seed and plant breeding to accelerate sustainable and diverse food systems in Europe, which started in October 2022. It provides science-based evidence and best practice solutions to help achieve 100 % organic seed. The project has a budget of 6.6 million Euro, funded by the European Union, the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). To deliver on such an ambitious goal, LiveSeeding brings together 37 organisations from a wide range of sectors operating in 16 European countries. Learn more about and follow the project on www.liveseeding.eu, LinkedIn, X and Facebook.

Online platform for practitioners launching on 8 February 2024

Exciting news! As proud partner of the Horizon Europe project EU-FarmBook, we are excited to announce the launch of the open-access online platform on 8 February 2024. Designed to revolutionise the accessibility of agriculture and forestry project outcomes, making them readily available to practitioners.

Join us for an online event, highlighting the platform’s features, its usage and how it can contribute to transforming food and farming.

We are extending a special invitation to all coordinators of and participants to Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects, the key providers of practical materials. This event will be the starting point connecting knowledge generation and practitioners in agriculture. 

Register on the EU-FarmBook website and save the date!

Need more details? Please contact claire.morelle@organicseurope.bio

Follow the project’s website, LinkedIn and X for developments.

Within EU-FarmBook, IFOAM Organics Europe ensures the information on the platform suits the needs of organic actors. We will also promote the FarmBook platform and link it up to the already existing knowledge platform for the organic sector: Organic Farm Knowledge.

Additionally, IFOAM Organics Europe will be involved in the creation of Education and Training material, such as practice abstracts and communication materials such as webcasts, farm cafes and knowledge exchange seminars. Ghent University coordinates the EU-FarmBook project which will run until the end of 2029, consisting of a consortium of 29 participating organisations.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Save the dates for BIOFACH 2024!

If you haven’t done so yet, mark 13-16 February 2024, when the organic community will gather in Nuremberg for BIOFACH 2024, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food. Participants from regional, national, and international sectors of the value chain will come together, uniting individuals who share common values and collaborate to shape a more sustainable future.

Like usual, IFOAM Organics Europe will actively participate in BIOFACH’s congress program this year and host multiple sessions focused on policy, regulations, and research. Once the programme is online, we will publish details about our and IFOAM – Organics International’s sessions at BIOFACH 2024 on our webpage about BIOFACH.

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