IFOAM EU General Assembly
On 15 May 2018 IFOAM EU will host its 9th General Assembly (GA) in Brussels, Belgium. During the GA, we will address important matters, including future strategies; our members will vote motions and elect the next IFOAM EU Board for period of 2018 – 2020.
List of events:
- Council meeting, 14 May 2018 (Council members only)
- 9th General Assembly, 15 May 2018 (IFOAM EU members only)
- 15 Year – Anniversary reception, 15 May 2018 (IFOAM EU members and guests only)
- Solmacc final event,16 May 2018 (Public event) More information
We invite all our members to participate and contribute on shaping the future of our organisation! The participation of all IFOAM EU Group members to our General Assembly is a key part of our democratic process.
The complete information about the GA is available on our online platform – the IFOAM EU Member Extranet, under the section Governance – General Assembly.
On the same occasion, IFOAM EU will celebrate together with its members 15 YEARS of hard work and successes for the organic movement in Europe.
You are a member of IFOAM EU and would like more information? Contact us at [email protected] or at +32 (0)2 280 12 23.
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