Sponsor and support us
Make Europe more organic with us
Are you a company or association active in the organic supply chain? Do you endorse IFOAM’s mission, goals, and the principles of organic agriculture? Join us!
Why support us?
Organic agriculture is constantly expanding.
In 2020, the EU’s total area of farmland under organic production grew to 14.9 million hectares. Compared to 2019, the number of organic producers in the EU increased by 1.6% to 349,499. A significant growth of the EU’s organic retail market accompanies this development, marked by a record growth of 15.1%, reaching 44.8 billion EUR.
IFOAM Organics Europe represents the organic market in European policymaking. It makes sure that this growth is based on the four principles of organic agriculture: health, equality, fairness, and care, and that the production chain is transparent.
Make sure our voice continues to be heard, join us!
How can you be part?
You can support us with in-kind contributions or with financial support up to €15.000 according to what suits you the best.
There are various formulas you can choose from:
You are:
- A company or association active in the organic supply chain,
- Sharing the ethos of the organic movement.
Why join?
- Support the translation of our commonly shared values into concrete policy;
- Associate you name with IFOAM Organics Europe, the leading umbrella organisation representing the organic sector in European policymaking;
- Access to our network of almost 200 organisations in 34 countries;
- Get visibility at our events and in our publications, seen by EU decisionmakers, industry participants and potential consumers;
- Use our media asserts in your communication channels.
‘Developing Organics’ is the term we use for work on specific important issues. Our ongoing Developing Organics projects are:
- Pesticide use and contamination: ensuring a favourable environment for organic operators through EU legislative frameworks; and
- Keeping GMO out of organic food.
We are currently developing two new projects:
- One to support value chain development Central and Eastern Europe, and
- One on the practical implementation of the new EU Organic Regulation.
Why join?
- Associate your brand with IFOAM Organics Europe’s strong voice at EU level;
- Support purpose-driven research activities that will effectively influence advocacy efforts and policy formulation;
- Contribute and cooperate in building the capacity of the organic sector through active involvement in the decision-making process, in participating in our workshops, seminars and internal working groups;
- Get access to first-hand information on research and policy activities run under the project;
- Bring the reality of organic food production to policymakers: this is IFOAM Organics Europe’s strength.
You are:
- A company or an association active in the organic supply chain,
- Interested in expanding your business network,
- Selling organic products or services.
Why join?
- Get visibility at high-level political and business events, organised in a different country every year;
- Network with industry participants at local and international level;
- Get visibility with key organic supply chain players.
Does your organic company or organisation not have the means for financial donations? We are open to alternative means of support.
For example, you can
- Share your high-resolution photos of organic production, processing, research and more with us. We can amplify the visibility of your images in our publications and social media – accrediting you, of course;
- Send the organic products you produce. We are happy to give them visibility to a European audience at our sector and policymaking events; or
- Sponsor a specific goodie showing your company and IFOAM Organics Europe’s logos.
Interested? Do you need more information?
Reach out to us to come to a concrete agreement.
Joanna Wierzbicka at [email protected] (speaks English, French, Polish)
Francesca Lilliu at [email protected] (speaks English, Italian, Spanish)