IFOAM Organics Europe
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IFOAM - Organics International
IFOAM Organics Europe
What we do
Organic regulations
In the EU, organic farming and production are regulated according to strict rules. As voice for organic, we advocate for a regulation that meets the sector's needs.
CAP and rural development
The CAP should be based on the principle of ‘public money for public goods’, rewarding farmers on the basis of their contribution to preserving natural resources.
Organic farming protects the collective genetic heritage by remaining GMO-free.
Organic seeds
Organic farming contributes to the conservation and evolution of genetic diversity in agriculture
Climate change
Organic agriculture, part of the solution to the climate crisis
Plant health care
Plant nutrition
Providing our crops with the nutrients they need while protecting soil, water and air
Plant protection
Plant health care that also promotes the health of crops, ecosystems and humans
#StopHarm campaign
Biodiversity, soil, and water
Health and ecology are two of the organic principles. Organic agriculture sustains and enhances soils and biodiversity. It helps to conserve water, store carbon in soils, and does not use synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
Animal welfare
Animal welfare - key to sustainable productivity, high product quality and ethical responsibility.
Organic textiles
Organic textiles help ensure a more sustainable model for the environment, workers, and farmers. Organic textiles producers limit harmful emissions during textiles creation and processing, protect plant workers’ rights, and inform consumers about the impact of the garments they buy.
Food policy
Advocating for more sustainable food systems and showing how organic can be part of this process is one of the raison d’être of IFOAM Organics Europe.
Fairness and transparency
We work to strengthen the position of more vulnerable actors in the supply in line with the principles of organic farming.
Research and Innovation
Research and Innovation advocacy
By hosting TP Organics' secretariat, we shape research & innovation agendas and build the organic movement's capacity to engage in research and exchange knowledge.
Knowledge for organic
Organic food production is a path of continuous improvement. IFOAM Organics Europe brings knowledge to the organic sector helping it deliver on its principles.
About us
IFOAM Organics Europe
We are the European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming. We represent organic in European policymaking and advocate for a transformation of food and farming. Get to know us better.
20 years anniversary
Celebrating 20 years of advocacy for development & integrity of organic food & farming in Europe, representing almost 200 member organisations
Why organic?
Organic farming can reduce emissions as it builds on reduced inputs, closed nutrient cycles and fertile soils. It provides many animal welfare and environmental benefits for soils, water and biodiversity.
Organic in Europe
Organic in Europe continues growing - both production and consumption. Read more about the market and policies influencing it.
The European organic movement's vision and strategy to 2030
How we work
Board and Council
Interest groups
Working groups
General Assembly
Can you take part?
Are you active in organic? Learn about the benefits of being part of our network
IFOAM Organics Europe's governing structures and decision making bodies
Office team & consultants
Get to know who we are, what we work on and how you can contact us.
Our members
Our members make us what we are. As membership-based organisation we represent more than 200 members in 34 European countries. What makes us unique is that our members and work span the entire organic food chain.
The IFOAM network
IFOAM Organics Europe is a Regional Body of IFOAM Organics International, the global umbrella organisation for organic food and farming.
They make it possible
Find out which companies and institutions are making Europe more organic with us
Get involved
Become a member
Are you active in organic? Learn about the benefits of being part of our network
Sponsor and support us
Discover how you can contribute to making Europe more organic and what is in it for you
Events support
Organising organic events or exhibitions? Let’s talk about increasing their visibility
Fund us (for foundations)
Your foundation can help us to bring about a transformation of Europe’s food and farming system.
Submit your initiative
Get inspired by practical initiatives that are transforming food and farming in Europe. Do you have one? Submit it here!
Work with us
Keep an eye on this page for open positions. We have an annual call for volunteers each spring and new positions open when the need arises.
European Organic Day
Find out what is happening in Europe around EU Organic Day
European Organic Awards 2025
OEYE 2024: Youth for organic – Building Resilient Food Futures
Engaging youth
Annual reports
Factsheets and manuals
Official letters
Organic infographics and videos
Position papers
Press releases
Reports and studies
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