

Fostering EU-international cooperation in research & innovation to transform agri-food systems

Right before the EU’s annual Agricultural Outlook conference, TP Organics held its event EU-international cooperation in research & innovation to…

European Commission launches technical workshops gathering input for new CAP

While the new CAP’s first year of implementation is finishing, the European Commission is intensively working to prepare the CAP…

Commission President, ensure a framework for Sustainable Food Systems

The current EU Commission promised to transition to more sustainable, healthier, and affordable diets. This is both their commitment to…

Launch of the FPC report on the Sustainable Food Systems Law: Policy recommendations for a meaningful transition

On 25 April, the Food Policy Coalition (FPC) held its first in person-meeting in Brussels to launch its report “Sustainable…

300+ organizations unite to send strong signal to Frans Timmermans, demanding a shift to evidence-based sustainability food systems rather than unfounded hope on new GMOs

More than 300 organizations signed a letter sent to Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal in the…

National CAP Strategic Plans: On the road to achieving the 25% organic target

The Horizon Europe project OrganicTargets4EU supports the achievement of the targets set by the EU’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity…

We want to be able to choose! Ensure GMO-free food production.

Update 23.03.2023: Junges Bioland initiated an online petition on this topic, addressed to Olaf Scholz, Germany’s Prime Minister, and to…
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