
Best Economy Forum: Paving the way to a sustainable future – 20-22 April, online

The “Best Economy Forum” (BEF), an alternative economic summit, took place from Tuesday, 20 April to Thursday, 22 April 2021 under the theme of “Take action not words”. In this format, the four founding organisations – Bio Hotels, Economy for the Common Good, Bioland and FiBL – invited companies to join a discussion on sustainable business.

Over the course of the three-day event, more than 200 participants discussed and exchanged ideas on strategies and ways to achieve sustainable development in companies. Experienced entrepreneurs and moderators accompanied the process and guaranteed effective, personal and intensive matchmaking. Originally planned as a hybrid event to take place at Andechs Monastery, the BEF could only take place digitally in the end. Even so, this year’s BEF was just as lively online thanks to a platform which worked excellently and participants who were eager for knowledge and to share their ideas. And the feedback from participants was equally as enthusiastic.

“The Best Economy Forum 2021 has shown that we are witnessing the beginning of a growing movement of economic actors who can make a difference.” Jan Plagge, Chairman of BIOLAND and President of IFOAM Organics Europe.

Image by Best Economy Forum

The end of the BEF signals the start of a sustainable movement

Although the main BEF event ended last Thursday, the exchange of ideas will, at the request of participants, continue on the platform www.besteconomyforum.org. The many inspirations and newly acquired contacts can be reached here. All speakers’ presentations can be accessed again and there are also plans to create a lounge for the exchange of ideas with like-minded people. This means that anyone who has been motivated by the BEF and wants to bring about changes within their own company can find the perfect network via the platform. Journalists interested in accessing the platform can get in touch with BEF.

Save the date: The third edition of the Best Economy Forum will take place in May 2022.

The Best Economy Forum was launched in 2019 in cooperation with the four associations Bioland, Bio Hotels, FiBL and Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie. The aim of the forum is to inspire companies to set themselves up sustainably.

Because a future in the sense of a common good can only succeed if the economy focuses on the preservation of the earth and people and not on maximising profit and growth. IFOAM Organics Europe supports the Best Economy Forum.

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