ClieNFarms public policy workshop on climate-neutrality and food security, 8 July, online

On 8 July 2022, IFOAM Organics Europe is organising the first online public policy workshop of ClieNFarms on climate-neutral farming while ensuring food security.
The war in Ukraine has put food security at the centre of the political debate. While availability and affordability of food are a top priority for all, increasing production at the expense of the environment is not the solution. We need to make our food production systems less reliant from external inputs (like fossil fuel, fertilisers, imported feed, etc.) and more resilient. In this workshop, we will shed light on this debate and discuss solutions for climate-neutral farming while ensuring food security.
There will be inspiring talks from Alexander Müller (TMG Think Tank for Sustainability) and Nathalie Bolduc (the think tank IDDRI). After this, a policy debate will take place with representatives of the EU Commission, COPA-COGECA, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and IFOAM Organics Europe.
Read agenda of the event and register.
The Horizon 2020 project ClieNFarms aims to make farms climate neutral. The project will set up 20 cases studies where systemic solutions will be tested and evaluated using up-to date modelling approaches and multicriteria assessment tools. IFOAM Organics Europe ensures that the results of the projects feed into EU policies.
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