
“Fit for 2027” – the Best Organic Region set the targets high  

*** Applications for the EU Organics Awards 2024 are open, visit our website for more info and apply by 12 May! *** 

On 25 September 2023, the second edition of EU Organic Awards took place in Brussels, Belgium. 8 awards have been granted to inspiring individuals, regions and enterprises from all over Europe to celebrate their passion and dedication to organic farming. Burgenland was awarded “Best Organic Region”.

Located in the eastern part of Austria, state of Burgenland has shown strong commitment to sustainable growth, environmental protection and fight against climate change. The scientific implementation of a “Bioland Burgenland” strategy drives forward the organic reconversion in the region.   

50% organic farmland by 2027 is the key objective of the strategy. Back in 2018, the proportion of organic land in Burgenland was 31%. This year, it has reached 41% and it continues to grow! The secret lies in promoting rather than demanding organic transition. Organic changeover funding was one of the measures that has incentivized this reconversion. By providing financial support and subsidies to the farmers in the area, the Burgenland government has attracted over 160 new organic farmers

To achieve the ambitious target of 50% organic farmland, the government adopts a holistic approach that includes i.e. developing the complete organic supply chain. Burgenland has already achieved significant progress in this area: hospitals, child education and care facilities have approximately 70% organic food proportion, with 100% meat produced organically.  

“Our purpose is to provide the population with healthy organic regional food and to contribute to healthy environment and nature” says Astrid Eisenkopf, Deputy Governor of the Burgenland state government.  

With a holistic, human-centered approach, Burgenland is a role model for organic excellence recognized by EU Organic Awards 2023. The Best Organic Region highlights the importance of the government and citizens working closely together to reach a common goal – healthy soil and an intact environment for future generations.  

Want to learn more about the other winners of the EU Organic Awards 2023? Read our dedicated article

The annual European Organic Awards reward the most excellent and innovative actors in the organic value chain. Jointly organized by the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Regions, COPA-COGECA and IFOAM Organics Europe, they aim to stimulate organic production by sharing the inspiring stories of actors who achieved excellence in this field. Organic production combines the best environmental and climate practices and enhances biodiversity and the health of soil and plants. Its fundamental role has also been recognized by the EU, which identified organic production as playing a key role in the achievement of the objectives of the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork strategy and the Biodiversity strategy

Want to be the next winner of the EU Organic Awards? Applications for the 2024 edition are open until 12 May! Read more on our website and apply today! 

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