
IFOAM EU’s General Assembly is going digital!

On 30 June 2020 IFOAM EU will host its 10th General Assembly. At this biannual meeting, IFOAM EU’s membership reviews and decides on the general policy and direction of IFOAM EU.

The participation of all IFOAM EU’s members to our General Assembly is a key part of our democratic process. It gives our members the power to direct IFOAM EU’s work and ensure genuine representation.  The 10th edition of the GA will be a special one as it will take place online, giving more of our members the chance to join and be part of this important process.

IFOAM EU’s members will address important matters, including finance and future strategies, vote on motions and elect the next IFOAM EU Board for 2020-2022.
IFOAM EU’s members

Following the General Assembly, IFOAM EU and our member and co-organiser BÖLW invite you all to the European Organic Congress 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this will take place online.

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