
Official publication of new secondary regulations complementing the new Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848

Following the publication of the new Organic Regulation (EU) 2019/848 in June 2018, two secondary legal acts have been published in the EU Official Journal.

First, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/427 brings a few amendments related to sprouted seeds, feeding of bee colonies as well as juvenile production and feeding in aquaculture.

Second, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/464 integrates the new Organic Regulation on different issues, among other, the production rules for processed food and feed as well as production rules for various animals (bovine, ovine, cervine, caprine, equine, poultry, rabbit and aquaculture). It also provides Annexes (I and II) on the stocking densities and minimum outdoor and indoor areas for livestock and aquaculture animals. 

It also covers the retroactive recognition of the conversion period by providing details on the documents to be supplied for this purpose. 

In addition, it follows up with information concerning the availability of organic and in conversion Plant Reproductive Material (PRM), animals and aquaculture juveniles. Finally, the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/464 presents in Annex III information on member states database concerning the availability on the market of organic and in-conversion plant reproduction material, organic animals and organic aquaculture juveniles. 

These above mentioned acts are designated to complete the new organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 foreseen to be implemented from 2021 onward.

As regard to the current Commission Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008 on import of organic products from third countries, a new Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/479 related to the Certificate of Inspection (COI) was published.  

This new implementing regulation corrects Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/25, published earlier this year.

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