PRESS RELEASE: The organic movement calls for a more ambitious CAP reform
BRUSSELS, 2 APRIL 2019 – The organic movement regrets the limited ambition of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee on the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). It calls on the EU Council of Ministers and the next European Parliament to listen to European citizens and organic farmers’ demands for more environmental and climate action within the CAP.
Jan Plagge, IFOAM EU President said: “The Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament should have been more ambitious. As European organic movement we welcome the vote to strengthen Eco-schemes with a minimum ringfenced budget and the improvements to farmers’ advisory services.” He continued: “Yet, the new CAP results-based approach will only deliver if a significant share of the budget is dedicated to rewarding farmers who take action for our environment and climate. IFOAM EU calls on EU Agriculture Ministers to go further and to set aside 70% of the total CAP budget for the climate, the environment and animal welfare. We hope that the next Parliament will be more sensitive to EU citizens’ call for a CAP that works for the environment and that rewards farmers, such as organic farmers, that take care of our environment”.
Eric Gall, IFOAM EU Deputy Director added: “The Environment Committee of the European Parliament acknowledged the positive contribution of organic farming by asking for the creation of a new article for organic farming. Today, Members of the Agriculture Committee missed an opportunity to ensure that each Member State would take stock of the health of their organic sector and design a strategy to develop it under their CAP Strategic Plans”. He concluded: “The organic movement is committed to do its part to achieve the new CAP objectives. Hundreds of thousands of organic farmers across Europe are already leading the way to make agriculture fairer and more sustainable, preserve our soils, water and biodiversity, they also help to regenerate rural areas and communities. Organic farmers expect the next Parliament and the Council to better support their efforts under the new CAP.”
For more information please contact:
Nicolas de la Vega, Policy Officer for Agriculture and CAP;
+32 (0) 2 416 27 63,
Eva Berckmans, Communications Officer;
+32 (0)2 416 52 32,
Or visit
Background information
Today, the European Parliament voted on the future CAP in its Agriculture Committee. This was one of the last votes of the current legislature before the European elections in May. The EU Council of Ministers aims to reach a partial general approach on the CAP during the AGRI Council in June. The next European Parliament will be in charge of finalising its CAP position and negotiating it with EU Member States. In parallel, Member States are already preparing their CAP National Strategic Plans. It will be of major importance that these plans put organic farming and sustainable agriculture at their core.
IFOAM EU represents more than 200 member organisations in the EU-28, the EU accession countries and EFTA. Member organisations span the entire organic food chain and beyond: from farmers and processors organisations, retailers, certifiers, consultants, traders and researchers to environmental and consumer advocacy bodies