7-9 November, Eisenstadt, Austria
ICOAS will bring together researchers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, associations, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders to discuss about innovations and organic production, complex value chains and organic trade, socio-economic challenges, consumers’ perspectives and expectations, possibilities and limitations of organic markets, and many others.
The registration is still open, please click here.
8 November, Eisenstadt, Austria
The meeting will take place on the 8 November in Eisenstadt. It will bring the members of the CEE expert group to discuss the challenges for the development of local markets in Central and Eastern Europe.
The event will be organized within the international Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS).
15-16 November 2018, Julius Kühn-Institut, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany

To discuss innovative ways to keep plants healthy in organic and integrated plant protection, and to identify research and farm management options to further reduce the use of copper, BÖLW, IFOAM EU and Julius Kühn-Institut invite you to take part in the 3rd European Conference on Copper in Plant Protection.
Farmers and growers, scientists, regulators, agricultural advisers and other people working with/on copper in a context of plant protection are welcome to share experience and ideas.
Check out the Conference’s programme and register now for the 3rd European Conference on Copper in Plant Production.
Dynamic growth in organic acreage in many European countries means new challenges for farmers concerning plant health. By combining clever crop rotation systems, enhancement of functional biodiversity, selection of robust varieties and the application of natural substances against pests and diseases, organic farmers and growers strive to keep their plants healthy without having to rely on synthetic pesticides.
While there are various ways and strategies to lower the risk of being affected by diseases like apple scab, mildew or potato blight, copper-based formulations are almost the only tool to combat actual infections. At the same time, copper can have negative impacts on soil and water organisms, so organic farmers are looking for strategies to minimize copper use, supporting EU law requirements for EU member states to take action on copper minimization.