
Public consultation on carbon farming initiative roadmap & re-launch climate change task force

The European Commission has opened its public consultation on the roadmap for the initiative “Restoring sustainable carbon cycles” and feedback can be provided until 7 October.

The initiative:

  • Aims to develop a long-term vision for sustainable carbon cycles;
  • Will propose an action plan for the promotion of carbon farming; and
  • Will identify key elements for a regulatory framework for the certification of carbon removals and carbon farming – the framework itself will be an initiative on its own.

Have a look at the videos from the SOLMACC project in which organic farmers share their experiences with climate-friendly practices they applied.

IFOAM Organics Europe’s task force on climate change restart
To position the EU organic movement on initiatives like the upcoming carbon farming strategy and other upcoming political developments such as the revision of the LULUCF regulation, IFOAM Organics Europe has recently re-launched its Task Force on Climate Change and Biodiversity.

This will allow an increased focus on the urgent issues of climate and biodiversity and strengthen the voice of the organic food and farming movement in the EU policy debate on climate action in the agricultural sector.

Would you like more information and/or are interested in the joining the task force? Please contact hanna.winkler@organicseurope.bio. Do note that we prioritise our members’ requests and the task force is only accessible to members.

IFOAM Organics Europe members can find more information on the member extranet and background materials in the arguments database on the member extranet (main messages, arguments/FAQs, visuals & videos).

For information about what you can gain from being a member, read our membership page and contact membership@organicseurope.bio.

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