Registration open: 6th European Conference on Copper in Plant Protection17-18 November 2021, online

Registration for the 6th European Conference on Copper in Plant Protection is now open! Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW), IFOAM Organics Europe and the Julius-Kühn Institute are pleased to invite researchers, national and local authorities, politicians, industry, and practitioners to discuss the following questions:
- Which innovations support copper minimization?
- Which research and development projects can solve the challenges?
- What political framework conditions are necessary for this?
Day one will focus on the policy framework for minimising copper (conference language German), while day two will be dedicated to presentations of practical trials, product and strategy innovations for copper minimisation (conference language English).
Have a look at the programme for further information! On 17 November, IFOAM Organics Europe’s Policy Coordinator Mathilde Calmels will present the Strategy for the minimisation of copper in organic farming in Europe developed by IFOAM Organics Europe in 2018. The day after, on 18 November, she will present the first results of the national workshops on copper organised within the RELACS project, focusing on farmer’s acceptability of copper alternatives.
Places are limited, so remember to register by 16 November!