

Fostering EU-international cooperation in research & innovation to transform agri-food systems

Right before the EU’s annual Agricultural Outlook conference, TP Organics held its event EU-international cooperation in research & innovation to…

Protecting our soils across the EU

In July, the European Commission published its proposal on a Soil Monitoring and Resilience law. As IFOAM Organics Europe, we…

From a Soil Health law to a Soil Monitoring Directive

On 5 July, the European Commission published its proposal concerning a Soil Monitoring and Resilience law. IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes…

Developing Organic: Join our ‘Pesticide use and contamination’ project

Dear IFOAM EU members, Today we’re launching a call to join our first ‘Developing Organic’ project on Pesticide use and contamination:…

PRESS RELEASE - Taxation can be a tool towards true cost accounting according to new study

BOLZANO, ITALY, 10 APRIL 2019 – Conventional potato cultivation in Germany costs €1298/hectare in ground water pollution alone. For organic…
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