Help protecting our forests by demanding deforestation free supply-chains – Together4Forests
Forests and other ecosystems are under pressure worldwide: A total of 13 million hectares are deforested each year and almost all of it is happening in tropical forests (96%). The main driver of deforestation is expansion of agricultural land that is needed to meet the global demand of certain products (80%).
Europe accounts for a third of the world’s deforestation
Europe and its citizens play a significant role in this. The EU imports and consumes around one third of the globally traded agricultural products associated with deforestation. This accounts for 7-10% of the global total consumption (consumption of exporting countries included) of crops and livestock products that are directly and indirectly linked to rainforest deforestation. The EU is among the major global importers of a number of these so called ‘forest and ecosystem risk commodities’, such as palm oil, soy, beef, rubber, maize, cocoa and coffee. Even though the latter two have a relatively small forest footprint globally, their production is often highly concentrated in a few countries, leading to negative impacts that are very high in those areas.
As Europeans, what can we do to stop deforestation?
At the moment, there is nothing that stops these products linked to deforestation ending up on the market and on our supermarket shelves all across the EU, fueling biodiversity loss, climate change and human rights violations. With the launch of the European Commission’s public consultation on the assessment of additional legislative and non-legislative measures to address deforestation, we have a unique opportunity to get into action and mobilise citizens to take part in this.
The European Commission presented a number of actions to address the EU’s role in deforestation in 2019. One of these actions is the assessment of new legislation. We have an opportunity to make a difference through our participation in the Commission’s public consultation. This consultation can send a clear signal to the Commission – reducing the impact of products placed on the EU market on forests and other ecosystems and on those depending on them.
This is a unique occasion to stop products that are linked to deforestation, forest degradation and ecosystem conversion or degradation from entering the EU market, as well as to stop the human rights violations linked to it. This way, we will protect the world’s last remaining forests and savannahs, peatlands and other unique places that are being destroyed for our consumption.
Take part in #Together4Forests
Therefore, IFOAM Organics Europe actively participates in #Together4Forests. The aim of the campaign is simple: mobilise thousands of citizens across the world to stand up for the world’s forests, grasslands and savannahs and call on the EU to pass binding legislation that protects these ecosystems by promoting deforestation-free supply chains.
The EU’s public consultation is the only opportunity for citizens and civil society to make their voice heard in this debate. If a critical mass of people were to take part in the public consultation and stand up for this law, it could be a game changer in the fight to protect the world’s forest and other ecosystems. Join the fight and sign the petition here. You can also engage on social media by sharing one of our tweets or using one of the messages below.
- We are in the deforestation fast lane. But @EU_Commission can hit the brakes and ensure a safe future for all people and wildlife! Join the #Together4Forests movement, call on the EU to stop #deforestation around the world & spread the word!
- RT if you agree! 5 reasons to protect forests: (1) For our oxygen & water supplies; (2) They are homes to millions of people; (3) For forest livelihoods; (4) For biodiversity; (5) To fight climate change. Sign NOW to secure our forests! Pls RT!