
Only few days left to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative to save bees and farmers!

To those in our network who have not signed the European Citizens’ Initiative to ‘Save bees and farmers’ yet, you can still do so until the end of September 2021!

Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Romania, Hungary and Latvia already reached the signature threshold and joined the European Citizens Initiative (ECI) hive in calling on the European Commission and Parliament to phase out synthetic pesticides by 2035, support farmers and save bees and nature.

Why is this important?

If the initiative gathers one million signatures by 30 September 2021, the European institutions must consider turning the campaign’s demands into law.

Help achieve this by adding your signature, help us spread the word and share the initiative widely within your network – by copy-pasting this text as an email, and/or on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Linktree.

Help spread the message: Communication materials

Have a look at the ‘Save bees and farmers’ website and browse the initiative’s communication materials – available in more than 20 languages here

Feel free to share the initiative on your social media using:

  • #SaveBeesAndFarmers, and/or
  • The tweets we prepared with the image you can find at the bottom of this section and the tag @OrganicsEurope and @BeesEci

Example tweets in various languages:

  • General: We only have until 30 Sept to collect 1M signatures to #SaveBeesAndFarmers!
    Join the #ECI today & demand a swift transition towards an agricultural model that sustains the health of people, soils, animals & the environment, such as #OrganicFarming 🐝🦋🌼 https://www.savebeesandfarmers.eu/
  • French: #SaveBeesAndFarmers! Avec notre Initiative Citoyenne Européenne, nous demandons à la @EU_Commission de soutenir un modèle agricole qui permette aux agriculteurs et à la #biodiversité de prospérer en harmonie. Signez et partagez avant le 30 Sept! 👉 https://www.savebeesandfarmers.eu/fra/ 🐝👩‍🌾🌺
  • German: #BienenUndBauernRetten! Aus ganz Europa kommen wir für eine bienenfreundliche Landwirtschaft und eine gesunde Umwelt zusammen. Werde teil der Bewegung, unterzeichne die Europäische Bürgerinitiative bis 30 September! 👉https://www.savebeesandfarmers.eu/deu/ #SaveBeesAndFarmers 🐝👩‍🌾🌻
  • Italian: #SaveBeesAndFarmers! Da tutta l’UE ci siamo uniti per chiedere un’agricoltura che protegga le 🐝 e gli altri impollinatori, a vantaggio di agricoltori, salute e ambiente! Firma ora, abbiamo tempo fino al 30 settembre per raccogliere 1M di firme 👉https://www.savebeesandfarmers.eu/ita/ 🐝🦋🌻
  • Spanish: ¡Salvemos a las abejas y a los agricultores! Pedimos una agricultura que sea respetuosa con las abejas, en beneficio de los/las agricultores/as, la salud y el medio ambiente. ¡Únete antes del 30 septiembre! 👉 https://www.savebeesandfarmers.eu/spa/ #SaveBeesAndFarmers 🐝👩‍🌾🌻

For additional background information about the initiative, have a look at our website. IFOAM Organics Europe members can visit the member extranet for more materials or contact [email protected].

European Citizens' Initiative Save Bees and Farmers
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