


Develop your own vision and strategy using our member-only toolkit

By 2030, the organic movement wants fair, environmentally conscious, healthy and caring food and farming systems across Europe. That is…

Reveal of a detection method for a gene-edited rapeseed - What is the significance and why is there a controversy?

A regulation is only worth so much as it can be enforced. This is why on 7 September, an open…

Making Europe more organic using the EcoLocal Market app

Get inspired by a Spanish app! To make the organic value chain fairer and more transparent, two women developers have…

First open source detection test for a gene-edited GM crop

This press release was first published by Greenpeace EU Brussels, 07 SEPTEMBER 2020 – Greenpeace, together with other non-governmental organisations,…

TP Organics and other European Technology Platforms propose joint research & innovation priorities for a sustainable food system

The European Technology Platforms (ETPs) TP Organics, Plants for the Future, and Food for Life have jointly published a policy…

TP Organics participates in webinars on Agroecology Partnership

One of the eight European Partnerships planned in cluster 6 of Horizon Europe will be about “Agroecology Living Labs and…

Take part in the members-only webinar on our vision & strategy toolkit

Are you an IFOAM EU member who is developing a vision & strategy process for your organisation? Our new member-only toolkit can…
GMOs Seeds

European Patent Office: No patents on conventionally bred varieties

On 14 May 2020, the enlarged board of appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) has released an opinion that…

TP Organics webinar on Horizon Europe attracts 59 participants

On 5 May 2020, TP Organics held a successful webinar about Horizon Europe, giving a preview of the EU’s next…

Save the date for TP Organics’ Organic Innovation Days 2020

TP Organics announced its annual Organic Innovation Days 2020, the event that brings together important and diverse actors of the…

Priority challenges for the first Work Programme of Horizon Europe – Position paper published by TP Organics

In view of the preparation of the first Work Programme of Horizon Europe, TP Organics has developed a Position Paper. It…

TP Organics’ Science Day 2020: Horizon Europe – Innovation opportunities for organic companies

On 14 February, TP Organics’ Science Day on innovation opportunities for organic companies in Horizon Europe, to address the urgent…

IFOAM EU welcomes the European Court of Justice decision that new genetic engineering techniques will be regulated as GMOs

BRUSSELS, 25 JULY 2018 – The organic food and farming movement welcomes the decision of the European Court of Justice…
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